
nicotinic acid benzyl ester
nonylic acid vanillylamide
hydroxyethyl salicylate
turpentine oil

The ingredients nicotinic acid benzyl ester, nonylic acid vanillylamide, camphor and turpentine oil particularly promote the circulation of blood in the skin. A slight reddening and a feeling of heat in the skin are experienced after only a short while.

The salicylic acid-containing active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the suffused skin and particularly alleviate rheumatic complaints.

All of the ingredients work together to ensure the quick alleviation of pain, the relief of muscle cramps and the promotion of healing by the stimulation of tissue metabolism.


  • Rheumatic diseases which affect the joints, muscles and nerves, e.g. chronic arthritis, lumbago and sciatica.
  • Sports massage: to support warm-up activities and to provide relief in the case of aching muscles and muscle cramps, circulatory disorders affecting the hands and feet and mild frostbite.

Reg. No.: 10126
Size of package: 60 ml
Application: Emulsion.
For sale in pharmacies only.
Pharmaceutical product.